Instructor with young students

Why We Love Lyndell Institute

“When we started our son at Lyndell for Tae Kwon Do, we were cautiously optimistic. Our son has ADHD and educational autism and we had tried other martial arts classes for him, in the past, with little success. We are absolutely thrilled with our experience at Lyndell! Jamie and Sharon are amazing people! They’re fantastic instructors that approach their students with a caring and loving compassion. You can tell they really care about their students and are willing to invest everything they can to help them succeed. Since beginning at Lyndell, nearly a year ago, our son has been able to demonstrate better self control, an awareness for other people’s feelings and tremendous self confidence. Sharon and Jamie seem to know exactly when to push a student and when to back off and allow self reflection and self reliance. You have dedicated your lives to shaping young people into amazing, productive and caring adults; while assisting older people to recognize strengths they didn’t know they possess. Thank you for all you do and just keep doing it!!!”

Give your children a head start in life by giving them Tae Kwon Do, and the motivation, discipline, perseverance, and proper attitude necessary for success in school, sports and other activities, and in life.

“I have to tell you that I truly thank God often for bringing you (and all of Lyndell) into our lives. You are so absolutely amazing with my kids. I can’t imagine not having you as a part of our lives. You have an unbelievable gift and I am so glad you chose to share it. I honestly feel my kids will be better people in the long run just for having known you.”

Tyke Won Do

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Martial Arts for 3 - 4 year olds

Tyke Kwon Do for 3 - 4 year olds. A fun, play-based program to teach the littlest ones focus, manners, self-discipline, respect, patience, and self-esteem. They will learn to set and achieve goals and manage emotions in healthy ways. And they will get active and more physically fit.


Tae Kwon Do training will:

Build self-esteem

Increase self-confidence

Build character

Improve concentration and focus

Increase body awareness and acceptance

Increase physical fitness

Teach discipline, self-motivation, and self-control

Provide a social support network of positive role models and peers

Teach the importance of friendship, trust, honesty, and loyalty

Teach safety and self-protection with an emphasis on non-violence

Motivate and encourage avoidance of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and other negative influences

Allow physical and mental development to maximize their unique potential

Children who attend the Lyndell Institute of Tae Kwon Do are destined to succeed in life because we teach them about goals, self-esteem, discipline, and persistence at an early age. More importantly, the traits children learn in our unique program will pay off for the rest of their lives. Our motto is “Effort and Perseverance.” We teach them to do their best always and never give up.

Every parent wants the best for their child, but how do you prepare them for all the challenges that they face in today’s world? How do you teach them the motivation, discipline, confidence, proper attitude, and self-regulation necessary for success? Teaching children basic traits like goal setting, motivation, and self-esteem at a young age can have an impact on what they accomplish later in life.


Over the years,  we have seen hundreds of children benefit from TaeKwonDo training.

  • Overweight kids who lost a few pounds through self-discipline and exercise only to gain massive amounts of self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Smart kids, bored with school, who learned to set goals and reach higher
  • Wild kids who learned how to focus and channel their energy in a more positive direction
  • Shy kids who were brought out of their shell
  • Challenged kids who flourished with the care and support of our Instructors and peers


Our unique training program will arm your child for the future with all the key traits of success and happiness including:

  • The self-esteem and confidence to raise a hand in school and ask questions, while others hold back for fear of embarrassment
  • A positive attitude and the persistence to succeed; it gets them saying “I Can” rather than “I Can’t” when dealing with a new problem or challenge
  • Excitement about the pursuit of knowledge in school and how to  set and achieve goals
  • The ability to focus and concentrate to improve grades in school
  • Physical development; our programs increase speed, stamina, balance, coordination, timing, and strength in children, all of which increases performance in many other physical activities
  • Leadership skills such as motivation and focus, which are key ingredients for success in anything, including getting good grades in school 


Perhaps the scariest problem for many parents today is the thought that their child might get involved with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, societal pressures, or other negative influences. The number of good kids taking drugs at a younger and younger age is overwhelming. At the Lyndell Institute of Tae Kwon Do, our programs are designed to promote self-confidence and self-esteem to give your child the courage to say NO to unhealthy choices and unhealthy relationships, despite peer pressure. Recent studies have shown that programs that focus on personal achievement, such as martial arts, are vastly more effective in fighting this problem than any other activity.


Although we wish it were not even a factor, we live in a world with dangerous elements and people. Lyndell Institute of Tae Kwon Do will teach your children how to spot and avoid danger by becoming more aware of their surroundings. Your children will  learn what to do in an emergency and how to protect themselves in dangerous situations. These invaluable skills will not only increase their confidence; it may even save their lives.


Martial arts is one of only a few activities that the whole family can participate in together. You and your children can learn and support each other in a fun, healthy environment. Come in and try a free class! Yes, all of you!



Try something FUN and EXCITING this year for your child’s special birthday!

A martial arts-themed party is fun for everyone, so quick and easy to plan, and can include up to 30 participants.

During a 2-hour party, we provide 60-90 minutes of martial arts activities, tables, chairs, and an opportunity for you to relax and enjoy your child’s special day. The remaining time can be used for cake, snacks, opening gifts, etc. Note: we do not provide food, drinks, or decorations. $175 for a 2-hour party!

TEXT (636) 541-2355 for details and availability.